New communication structure: business models and entrepreneurship

The communication industry has undergone major transformations since the technological revolution and the economic crisis.
New regulatory frameworks and changes in competition and business strategy have also influenced the structure of the media. As a consequence, the newspaper, magazine, radio, television, digital media and journalism industries face new challenges.
The difficulties for the economic sustainability of the media are forcing to open the door to new business models beyond advertising, subscriptions and subsidies. Likewise, the ability to boost internal and external entrepreneurship emerges as a pressing need for communication companies.
In this context, the key issues of the structure of communication, in general, and of journalism, in particular, remain relevant: freedom of expression, business and ‘printing’; the rights to information and truthful and plural communication; the relationship between pluralism, competition and diversity; the impact of the structure on contents; or the effects of the media industry on the democratic, economic and cultural environments of societies.
Taking into account the historical development of the media industry, balances of its performance can also be made in terms of audience, efficiency and profitability of companies and sectors as a whole; in relation to the quality and diversity of its services; and in its contribution to consumer welfare.
You are invited to present papers on the following thematic axes:
- Strategies and business models of media companies.
- Innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives in the media sector.
- Communication structure and changes in the media industry.
- Quality, audience and effects of media management.